New Boot-Loader v2.0 based on improvement of the following site features:
- flexibility
- security
- stability
- performance
- functionality
- customer support and feedback
We hope that our efforts will substantially contribute to effectiveness of our service and quality of support provided to Smart-Clip users
Changes to Smart-Clip section Access Rules.
Now this section is accessible for free during one year after the first update of your Smart-Clip at . When one year period has expired, Smart-Clip users can purchase another year of access to Smart-Clip section. Price plans and their detailed descriptions are located at pricing section.
Note: After the first Smart-Clip update, account registration at and registration device using Boot-Loader Download Manager, a new user activates the service in accordance with 1 year with and 10Gb download limit price plan. Access is provided within one year period since the first Smart-Clip update (date of the first update + 1 year). In case if Smart-Clip has not been updated before logging to , the access will not be valid and the user will be asked to perform the update procedure.
Registration procedures at Boot-Loader v2.0
- Account Registration
- In the top menu of web site there are Username and Password boxes as well as Login button
for a registered user to log in. If you haven't completed registration procedure yet, please start with Register link.
- Registration form containing the following fields: Username, E-mail, Confirm E-mail, Password, Confirm Password and verification code. Please, make sure all of them are filled up correctly and press Register button.
- Registration confirmation link will be sent to e-mail address provided at Registration form.Please follow it to complete registration procedure. If you didn't activate your account, it will be deleted after 32 hours.
- Access to Smart-Clip section
- Download and install Boot-Loader Download Manager.
- Connect your S-Card to PC USB port.
- Launch Boot-Loader Download Manager. When prompted, enter your Boot-Loader v2.0 login and password.
If your download manager is already open, select Settings->Devices in the top menu.
- Download manager scans connected devices and pops up a dialog box.
- Click the Register link. The device gets registered.
If your Smart-Clip already registered, click the Next link
- Follow to the My Account->Device Accounts to check the device status and download allowance.
If you're allowed, please follow to Smart-Clip catregory and start download files.
Get a free bonus access to
Access to SmartMoto and SCout section for users registered at
If you still have an active price plan at the old version of Boot-Loader, you can use it without switching to version 2.0 until your price plan expiration.
- Enter fill in your Username and Password. Press Login button.
- User Menu appears instead of Authorization area.
- Connect your Smart-Clip to LPT port of your PC.
- Select " Smart-Clip Login" in User Menu.
- ActiveX window appears on the screen.
- Press Login button (ActiveX will confirm that your Smart-Clip is original and check firmware version).
- Select SmartMoto section from site menu.
Note: In order to run ActiveX you need to use Internet Explorer 5.0 and later IE versions.
If any user has noticed that he can help us in adding a missing versions of flash files or lang_packs by sending us a backup of particular file, he is welcome to do so. Each file that was missing at & sent to us by a user, will be rewarded with one month of free access to SMARTMOTO section of portal*
Please contact info[at] for more details on flash files & support[at] for information on phone models.
* Extra month will be added to the current price plan that has already been activated by particular user. In case if access to SMARTMOTO section have not been activated yet, the user will be granted with one month of access according to the STANDARD price plan.