Testpoint schematics from now you can download from Public Downloads section on www.boot-loader.com. Use the testpoint for your specific phone model and follow the step-by-step instruction strictly. Please note that with some models there is a single contact that should be grounded, others have two contacts that should be connected to each other
- A1000
- A1200
- A630
- C38x, C390
- C65x
- C975, C980
- E2
- E6
- E1000
- E1070 (ver.1), E1070 (ver.2)
- E375, E378i
- E398, E1
- E770
- K1
- K3
- L2
- L6
- L7 (ver.1), L7 (ver.2)
- L72
- L9
- M1000
- Foma M702iG
- Foma M702iS
- U6
- V1100
- V18x
- V19x
- V22x
- V235
- V3
- V3i (ver.1), V3i (ver.2)
- V3r
- V3re
- V3x
- V3xx
- V30x, V40x, V50x, V525, V60x
- V535, V545, E550, V550, V620
- V36x
- V330, V547, V551, V635
- V557
- V6maxx
- V80
- V9
- V975, V1050
- V980
- V1075
- W490
- W510
- Z3